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Fitting Tyres
Uniflate Nitrogen Tyre Inflation
Tyre Information
Blockley Tyre Company

Uniflate Nitrogen Tyre Inflation

Sussex Police force, in the United Kingdom, carried out a roadside survey to check tyre pressures due to their concern with incorrectly inflated tyres. The check allowed a +/- 5 psi tolerance against recommended handbook pressures. The results of the survey were that 73% of all cars checked had incorrect pressures.
Police also check the tyre pressures of every car involved in a road traffic accident in the UK. This data shows that 86% of vehicles involved in road traffic accidents have incorrect tyre pressures.
Oxygen, water vapour and free water that are found in compressed air are prone to permeation through the tyre structure. This is not from faulty valves or leaky rims but a natural pressure loss through the tyre and into the atmosphere. Of these components, both water vapour and free water can enter the tyre in varying amounts even if identical tyres are inflated with the same gauge on the same day. Compressed air is not a specified gas and as such will always contain varying amounts of these components.
Uniflate: Nitrogen Tyre Inflation System


Water/Water Vapour

Under inflated tyres create drag which increases tread wear, fuel costs and the risk of punctures as well as having a significant effect on a car's performance both in handling and cost. Uniflate produces a stable inflation mixture, as can be seen in the diagram above. By having your tyres at the correct pressures using nitrogen you will experience the following benefits:
  1. Better handling and road holding
  2. Reduces tread wear and increases tyre life by up to 25%
  3. Correct inflation pressures reduce puncture risk by up to 33%
  4. Reduced rolling resistance improves miles per gallon by 2%
  5. Improved pressure retention

UK Sales: 01753 549 360
UK Fax: 01753 547 170
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Export Sales: +44 (0) 1753 598 382
Motor Wheel Service International Ltd, Units 1-4 Elder Way, Waterside Drive, Langley, Slough, Berkshire, SL3 6EP, UK
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